Why Learning Languages?

Abdulla Alishaq
4 min readJul 13, 2020

Learning languages is one of the most difficult and enjoyable thing to do, at least for me! Let me tell you why learning languages is important and how will this make you feel smarter, cooler, and more open minded person.

I can assume most of us nowadays can speak at least two languages. How do you feel? Smart? Genius? Or nothing? What if you could speak three, four, five, or even six languages? You will probably feel like you are a dictionary or a translator. Therefore, there are tons of benefits from just learning languages. I will list the top 5 of them.

1- Upgrades You

When you learn languages, you feel upgraded, people around you will feel that you are an upgraded version of human being. Why? Well, because learning languages is not easy and it requires passion and time. Therefore, being an upgraded person makes you smarter and a cooler person.

Now, you can speak English, what if you added Italian into your brain? You are an upgraded person that could think about the world in two different ways and different languages. This literally can be the most difficult thing to do in this world. This is because people always tend to depend on translators, which they feel they don’t need to speak another language.

Speaking three languages is even another step forward for being upgraded. I personally, speak three languages fluently and the languages are, Arabic (Mother language), English (Second language), and Turkish (Third language). This makes me feel great and I love how I tend to think in three ways and three languages. I am currently learning Italian to further upgrade myself!

2- Sharpen Your Brain

We all want to keep our brains sharp to think sharp. This could be easily done by learning languages because your brain will be activated in all these languages, which will automatically think the way it should. Whenever you feel your brain is sharp, your memory will improve, the way you think and speak will improve too. Also, you could have a healthy brain even when you age.

Therefore, your ability to think will be unbelievable due to the functionality of your brain. I tend to speak all languages in the house whenever I wanted to as this keeps me active and makes my brain sharp while it never forgets the words that I understand or say.

This will surely make you an open-minded person and grow your brain!

3- Network

The more languages you speak, the more friends you will have. This is obvious because you will start communicating in different languages. We are humans and we love seeing non-native speakers speak our languages; therefore, we get to become closer to them and friendlier. I can tell that you will make more and more friends when you speak multiple languages. I personally consider myself as an introvert, but I made tons and I mean it tons of English speakers friends and this is because I studied in the US. Also, I made many online Turkish friends and now starting to connect with Italian folks. This means I will have network from many different places around the world. What if you could speak all languages? You could easily travel without any concerns and people will be friendly with you. The main reason I love learning languages is that I love how people appreciate the learner and willing to help each others.

4- Doors Will Open For You

When it comes to learning languages, you will have many chances when it comes to apply for jobs and enhancing your career. I have met people who speak three or more languages and they are only good at speaking different languages, got a good job offers. Being able to speak multiple languages is important in nowadays industries. You might think that most people around the world work in English and everybody can speak English, but trust me that is not always true. Being able to make good communication with someone’s native language is much better.

When you speak for example German or Italian, companies can hire you because of this, as they can probably be working with clients from Germany and Italy. Therefore, they will want speakers who speak in their native languages.

I don’t want you to think that more languages means more job opportunities, but think that speaking more languages will increase the offers you get, and people will want to work with you because you will provide VALUE!

Therefore, always remember that new languages can be crucial if you are looking to help others and contribute in the community or society. This is especially if you live in a country that doesn’t speak many foreign languages.

5- Travel Will Become Easier

We all love travelling, but when it comes to going some countries that we think they might not be able to speak English makes us nervous. Therefore, when you learn languages and when you aim for travelling either for a short or long time, you can easily learn few words before travelling. This will make your travel smoothly and never be concern about the language they speak. Many people who aim to learn one language, is that because they tend to travel to the country that speaks their target language. This brings more joy to their travel and makes things go smoothly. Travelling will become much easier when you practice your brain to learn new languages because you will never think or be worried about travelling to a foreign country. Learning new languages will help you to learn and understand the people and the culture of the country you are going to visit!

I think learning languages will make your life much better. Therefore, for a better life, starting learning now.



Abdulla Alishaq

A Chemical Engineer from Qatar. Interested in Engineering, Technology and Personal Development & Growth. Willing to inspire the world! http://abdullaalishaq.com